Taking a leaf out of Julie & Julia’s book and writing a menu [pg. 22 of the Story]

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H: “I don’t like how you fall head over heels in love with something, and then one week later, you’ve changed your mind. Are you listening to me? Because I look into your eyes and I can’t tell if anything is going in.”

A: “I do have stickability…”

H: “Prove it.”

I would love to say Hayley’s wrong, but my track record of violin lessons, correspondence interior design course, pottery classes and brief fling with contemporary dance tells otherwise. Let me put it this way, it’s like being in a vicious cycle of starting something, getting really, really excited about it and then getting really, really excited about something else, and then something else, and something else…

The goal is to (apart from getting a new job) complete my restaurant menu by 20 September 2010 (6 months from 1st post, 9 weeks from today)… nothing quite as ambitious as Julie and Julia.

You would have noticed the site’s new layout, including a tab for MENU and GALLERY. Over the next 9 weeks you will be able to follow my progress on these 2 tabs.

Figured if I can’t even cook and write a complete menu, opening a restaurant is out of the question.

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